
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Do I Love P90X So Much?

If you have gotten to know me for any longer than 10 minutes, then you know of my infatuation with P90X.  While it is not a workout program I do exclusively, it is my favorite. 

Why is it my favorite?  A better question is why, of all the workout programs, gyms, and gadgets out there, is P90X so popular.  Here is my take on that question.  I would imagine anyone who has done the program would agree with me. 

First, it is the most effective workout program I have ever done.  I am 42 years old and I am stronger, faster, and more flexible then I have ever been.  My blood pressure is in check, my cholesterol level is well within range, my blood sugar is negligible, my resting heart rate is 40, and I am 20 pounds lighter then the day I got married.  I fully attribute that to a rear-end kicking fitness program and a diet full of healthy foods. 

Second, it was affordable.  I purchased it almost two years ago for $120.00 with the guarantee from Beachbody I could return it if I didn’t like it.  Since then, I have never paid for a gym membership or gas to drive across town.  Simple math tells me I saved no less than $720.00 on gym fees and another $400.00 on gas.    

Third, it is convenient for me.  I have a family, a full time job, and many other interests, so quite frankly I don’t want to go to a gym to workout.  I workout primarily in the morning before my kids even wake up.  If your gym is like some of the gyms my friends go to, they are only open certain times during the day.  Other gyms are open all the time, but driving there and then waiting for someone to get off the equipment is highly undesirable.  Also, if I am trying something new, I don’t have to worry about embarrassing myself in front of other people.  With P90X, I am in my garage.  It’s just me.  Well, me and Tony Horton.   

Forth, I need structure.  Most people need structure.  I believe most people fail at fitness because they “wing it” and end up not getting the results they are looking for.  With P90X, everything is laid out for you.  The workout and meal plan for the 90 days is there for you to follow.  

Finally, it is all basic stuff.  Real life muscle is what I call it.  There is this notion in gym world that you need all of this fancy equipment to get into shape.  Not true at all.  In my garage I have dumbbells that range from 5-90 pounds, a pull up bar, plyometric blocks, and some resistance bands.  If you do your workout right, that and a good meal plan is all you need.
If I have your attention, take a look at this video.  It is one of the commercials for P90X.

 Tony Horton is a fitness genius.  He chose to create P90X for the reasons I listed above.  If it catches your attention as I am sure it will, send me a message so we can get this ball rolling.



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