
Monday, June 13, 2011

Eat Live Foods to Feel Alive, Eat Dead Foods to Feel, Well, You Get the Picture

I stole the title from Tony Horton.  I couldn't think of a better one myself.  

I have been asked about this quite a few times in the past week, so I thought it would be easier to share it via my blog.  This is what my daily meal plan looks like.  I have never felt better.  


You eat six small meals a day. It is the way your body was meant to eat. That serves multiple purposes, but mainly it is to fuel your body and keep you from being hungry. It is not hard to do if do two things:

1. Plan what you are going to eat the day before
2. Remove the things from your house that cause you to struggle

I also encourage a few supplements: Advocare MNS vitamins, Catalyst, ThermoPlus, Meal Replacement Shakes, Carbease Plus, and of course Spark!!
At first glance, this looks like a very expensive way to eat. It is NOT. In fact, eating this way is much less expensive then eating out.

Here is what a day looks like:

Meal 1(8AM): Protein and a starch (carbohydrate). For me, that is an Advocare Meal Replacement Shake and some oatmeal. I make this the biggest caloric meal of my day. It’s around 400 calories
Meal 2 (11AM): Protein and a vegetable. 300 calories
Meal 3 (1PM): Protein, a starch, and a vegetable. 300-400 calories
Meal 4 (3PM): “Veg-out”. Big salad for me. Stay away from the fattening salad dressings. I use balsamic vinaigrette. 300 calories
Meal 5 (6PM): Protein and a veggy. 300 calories
Meal 6 (8PM): Advocare Meal Replacement Shake. 200-250 calories

Total calories: 1800-2000.  Sometimes it is more.  Don't sweat that.

This takes some preparation on the front end, but once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy. If I eat like this I have constant energy, no 2PM tired feeling, I can fuel my workouts and my day the right way, and I keep the unnecessary fat off of my body.

I do a lot of “bulk” food preparation. That means I will cook multiple portions of food at one time. If you have the right storage containers, you can pre-make your meals for the day.

Stay away from refined sugar, processed foods, and fried foods. As you can see, this meal plan has a lot of “live” food in it. There is no junk. If you eat live food, you will feel alive. If you eat dead food, well, you get the picture.  I can honestly say I have never, ever felt better in my life.

If you follow this plan along with an intense workout program, the short and long-term benefits are endless.

Proteins: Lean meats, beans, eggs.  No processed meats.  They are full of poisons.
Vegetables: leafy greens, broccoli, peas, etc. Try to buy fresh. Frozen is good. Never out of a can.
Starches: baked potatoes, brown rice, organic oatmeal.
Fruits: Once a day is good. The darker the fruit the more nutritious it is for you.

Have a blessed day.


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